Partner with Strategic Communications Professionals Who Are Committed to Your Success

Years Helping Clients Solve Problems, Grow Market Share, and Gain Influence
Average Years of Experience Each HL Strategy Team Member Brings to Your Organization
0 +
Clients That Have Benefited From Our Strategic Communications Guidance
0 +

Your Marketing + Communications Partner Should Be Proactive

Build a professional relationship with senior consultants who are committed to accomplishing your organizational goals. Get strategic advice, ideas, and deliverables to achieve results beyond your expectations.

Meet Howard Lalli

As president of HL Strategy, I am keenly focused on creating value for our clients and on nurturing a positive work culture for our consultants.

Understand how this dual focus benefits everyone who partners with HL Strategy.

Meet the HL Strategy Team

Work with experienced consultants who listen to you and deliver the thoughtful counsel and creative ideas your business requires.

Our team will ask the tough questions, anticipate your needs, and go above and beyond to help you achieve your organizational objectives.

Welcome to Engaged

A podcast about the inspiration that drives us. We love what we do, and we invite you to come along.

Our Services

Connect with your audience and accomplish your goals with strategy-driven tactics.

Receive thoughtful, experienced guidance to mitigate issues and respond to crises. 

Produce, distribute, and market professional-quality audio content. 

Build community support through thoughtful stakeholder communications.

Develop a philanthropy strategy that benefits your cause partner and your business.

Create sustainability reports that drive your business strategy.

Develop creative concepts to reach audiences across a variety of channels.
Attract and retain the right talent for your business needs.

Amplify human expertise with immediate impact and long-term value.

Achieve Your Organizational Objectives

While each of our clients’ communication needs is unique, all of our relationships follow this five-step approach.

We’ll meet in person or via teleconference to discuss your organization’s unique objectives and challenges. We’ll ask questions to clarify your immediate needs and your overall business goals. These initial conversations will determine if HL Strategy is the right marketing and communications partner for your organization.


We’ll develop a high-level roadmap to confirm our understanding of your objectives and outline our recommended approach. You’ll benefit from the value this document provides even if we don’t move forward together.


Assuming you determine HL Strategy is the right partner to help your organization, we’ll agree to work scope and cost.


We’ll develop a thoughtful strategic plan to address your needs and accomplish your goals. The tactics we recommend will depend on the people you are trying to reach and the reason you are trying to reach them. Together, we'll refine the strategy and tactics to align with your organizational and business goals.  

Execute, Evaluate, Refine

We’ll implement the plan to solve the problem, accomplish the goal, mitigate the risk, manage the crisis, or raise the money. Our actions may take the form of a website, podcast, social media campaign, media relations outreach, employee email, fundraising ask, or a variety of other marketing and communication tactics. We’ll collaborate with you throughout the process, monitor progress, and make adjustments to optimize your results. 

It's time for a strategic approach to marketing and communications.